Generating Rules With IBM Automation Decison Services Command Line Interface
In my previous post “Triaging Customer Requests (How to decide what to ask next!)” I described an approach to generate Business Rules from a JSON file. In this post I will go into more detail about how this is achieved using the Automation Decision Services (ADS) command line interface (CLI). This was released as “Tech Preview” in version 24.0.0 and fully released in version 24.0.1
Given I covered the creation of the JSON in the previous post I will start this post at the point I am requesting the generation of the rules.
The diagram below provides an overview of end to end process.
Focusing on “Generate”. This is component handles the generation and staging of Rule flows to IBM Automation Decision Services (ADS) running under Cloud Pak for Business Automation. The rules are generated using a JSON file retrieved from the content creator tool (see previous post) which is then processed by the ADS Command Line Interface (CLI). Details of this can be found here. The following diagram provides and overview of the Rules Generation approach.
The “Rules Generator” is built as two container images which are deployed to OpenShift. One to drive the generation process as a Job
in OpenShift and the other to manage the creation and querying of the state of the Job
The ADS CLI along with supporting components (Java, Maven and others) is installed into the “Generator Job” image. On top of this shell scripts to manage accessing git, the overaching Python program to control exectuon and the control files for the ADS CLI are added. A “FastAPI” application to create and query the Job
“runs” is installed in the “automation” image. Each of these are covered in more detail below.
Pre-processing Script
The build process is run in two steps due to an issue trying to invoke podman
from a shell script due to the size of the files contained in the ADS CLI. The first step is to populate the local directory with the ADS CLI files downloaded from an instance of CloudPak for Business Automation. This process is handled by the following shell script. This script needs oc
login details for the cluster where CloudPak for Business Automation is deployed along with the namespace into which it has been deployed. The details are held in the following environment variables.
export NAMESPACE=<N amespace where CloudPak is installed - this is normally `cp4ba`>
export OC_LOGIN_TOKEN=< Openshift login token >
export OC_HOST=< Openshift host e.g. >
echo "ADS CLI dowload..."
echo $1
echo $2
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Illegal number of parameters"
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Login into Cluster ##"
oc login --token=$1 --server=$2 || exit 1
oc project $NAMESPACE || exit 1
CPBA_HOST=$(oc get route cpd -o json | jq '' | tr -d '\"')
if [[ -z "$ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE" ]]; then
echo "$(date +%T) - [ERROR] ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE is empty"
exit 1
echo "$(date +%T) - #Get zen info ##"
zenPassword=$(oc get secret admin-user-details -o json | jq -rc '.data.initial_admin_password' | base64 --decode) || exit 1
zenRoute=$(oc get route cpd -o json | jq -r '') || exit 1
echo "$(date +%T) - # Generate a temp API token ##"
accessToken=$(curl -u admin:"$zenPassword" -sk -X GET "https://$zenRoute/v1/preauth/validateAuth" | jq -rc '.accessToken') || exit 1
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Created Zen API Key for user cpadmin ##"
for secret in $(oc get secrets -n "$NAMESPACE" | grep automated-psit-zen-apikey-secret | awk '{print $1}'); do oc delete secret "$secret" -n "$NAMESPACE"; done
cpadminPwd=$(oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o json | jq -rc '.data.admin_password' | base64 --decode)
curl -k -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
https://"${zenRoute}"/icp4d-api/v1/authorize \
-d "{
}" | jq -r '.token'
ZEN_API_KEY=$(curl -k -s -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN" https://"${zenRoute}"/usermgmt/v1/user/apiKey | jq -r '.apiKey')
# Get Index File
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Get Index File ##"
INDEX_FILE=$(curl -k -s -H -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" https://${ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE}/index.json)
if [[ -z "$INDEX_FILE" ]]; then
echo "$(date +%T) - [ERROR] INDEX_FILE is empty"
exit 1
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Creates output folder 'libs' ##"
rm -rf "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs
mkdir -p "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs || exit 1
echo "$INDEX_FILE" >"$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR/libs/index.json"
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Starts downloading, installation of all jar files ##"
auth_header="Authorization: Bearer ${accessToken}"
for resource in $(echo "$INDEX_FILE" | jq -c '.resources[]'); do
jarname=$(jq -c '.path' <<<"$resource" | tr -d '"')
pomname=$(jq -c '.pom_path' <<<"$resource" | tr -d '"')
if [[ "$pomname" == "null" ]]; then
wget -q --header "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -O "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs/"$(basename ${jarname})" "https://$ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE/$jarname" || exit 1
wget -q --header "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -O "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs/"$(basename ${jarname})" "https://$ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE/$jarname" || exit 1
wget -q --header "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -O "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs/"$(basename ${pomname})" "https://$ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE/$pomname" || exit 1
} &
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Starts downloading all pom files ##"
for pom in $(echo "$INDEX_FILE" | jq -c '.resources[].pom_path' | tr -d '"'); do
wget --header "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" -O "$CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR"/libs/"$(basename ${pom})" "https://$ADS_DOWNLOAD_ROUTE/$pom" || exit 1
echo "$(date +%T) - ## End of downloads ##"
echo "$(date +%T) - ##################################"
echo "$(date +%T) - ## Run podman build ##"
CP4BA_VERSION=$(awk -F- '{print $3}' <<<"$(ls | grep ads-cli)")
RUNTIME_VERSION=$(awk -F- '{print $4}' <<<"$(ls | grep engine-compact-runtime)")
API_VERSION=$(awk -F- '{print $4}' <<<"$(ls | grep engine-de-api)")
# Call Podman to build
echo "Download oc cli"
DOWNLOADS=$(oc get route downloads -n openshift-console -o json | jq -r '')
wget $DOWNLOADS/amd64/linux/oc.tar
echo $(pwd)
echo "CP4BA_VERSION=$CP4BA_VERSION" > build-args.conf
echo "RUNTIME_VERSION=$RUNTIME_VERSION" >> build-args.conf
echo "API_VERSION=$API_VERSION" >> build-args.conf
This script authenticates with the “Cloudpak for Business Automation” environment and then downloads the ADS CLI and all the supporting libraries. Next the OpenShift CLI is downloaded and a file of “build arguments” (used when building the generation container image) is created.
Automation Generation Job
The Automation Generation is controlled by a Python program
. This program is run via an OpenShift Job
which is created by the Automation Service (see below for details).
The program requires the following enviromment variables in order to configure its self:
- GIT_USER the userid to use to access the git environment
- GIT_PASSWORD=os.getenv(“GIT_PASSWORD”, None)
- GIT_HOST the hostname for the server where the git environment to use is running
- GIT_PROJECT the project within the git environment to use to store the generated rules
- CONTENT_CREATOR_URL the host URL to access the Content Creator tool
At start up the
shell script is run using the subprocess
Python library to set up the git environment.
GIT_USER=os.getenv("GIT_USER", None)
GIT_PROJECT=os.getenv("GIT_PROJECT", None)
print("Environment variables not properly set.")
print("Running Rules Build...")["sh", ""])
The shell script is
echo "Clone git repo..."
git clone https://${GIT_USER}:${GIT_PASSWORD}@${GIT_HOST}/ads/${GIT_PROJECT} git_repo
echo "Update git configuration..."
git config --global "automation@rules" && \
git config --global "Rules Generator"
The main function of the code is handled by thegenerate_rules()
. This is invoked passing the id
of the triage for which the rules are to be generated.
def generate_rules(id):
print("Pull any changes from git")["sh", ""])
# Validates if provided secret matches the configured secret in the environment variable
print(f"Using triage number {id}")
resp = requests.get(url=CONTENT_CREATOR_URL+"/api/generate-business-rules?id="+id, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
if resp.status_code == 200:
data = resp.json()
triage_name = data["metadata"]["display_name"]
triage_name = triage_name.replace(" ", "-").lower()
with open(triage_name+".json", "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
json.dump(data,file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
print("Running ADS CLI to clear out build files...")["ads", "batch", "./RulesGenerator/commands.yaml", f"/opt/{triage_name}.json", "", f"{triage_name}", "-c"])
print("Running ADS CLI to generate rules...")["ads", "batch", "./RulesGenerator/commands.yaml", f"/opt/{triage_name}.json", "", f"{triage_name}"])
print("Moving files...")["cp","-r",f"./RulesGenerator/{triage_name}", "./git_repo"])["sh", ""])
return {200: "Ok"}
print("Invalid triage number")
return {"Invalid triage number"}
# Generate the rules for the specified triage id
When the function is called subprocess
is used to execute the
echo "Changing to git repo directory..."
cd git_repo
echo "Pull any updates"
git pull
This ensures the that latest code is pulled from the git repository. Next a request is made to the Content Creator Tool to retire the JSON definition for the requested triage (using the passed id
After the JSON has been retrieved subprocess
is used to run the ADS CLI batch
command to clear down any previously generated files. When this has completed subprocess
is again used but this time to use the ADS CLI batch
command to generate the rules from the provided JSON. This process is driven my the commands.yaml
file. The contents of this file are:
- # Set rule name
- RULE_NAME=${3-Decision}
- # Check we have arguments
- if [ -z "$1" ]
- then
- printf "Missing argument\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check if we are clearing down generated files if so remove them
- if [ "$4" = -c ]; then
- rm -R files $RULE_NAME
- exit
- fi
- # Set up environment variables
- PACKAGE=${2:-org.acme}
- # Create directory for supporting files
- mkdir files
- # Projects creation --------------------------------
- ads-json-convert -f XML -o files/input.xml $1
- ads-xslt -f swagger.xslt -o files/model.json files/input.xml
- ads new datamodel @{/bom} # create data model from swagger
- ads new decisionmodel @{/dmo}
- ads make decisionresource @{/artifact/dmo}
- ads add $DMO_PROJECT reference $BOM_PROJECT
- # Handle addition of operation - by default the CLI appeds $RULE_NAME.dmo- to the front of operation
- ads add $DMO_PROJECT operation --name $RULE_NAME $DMO_PROJECT/rules/$DMO
- # Use sed update the operation name
- #echo $DMO_PROJECT/deployment/$RULE_NAME.dop
- sed -E $SED_CMD $DMO_PROJECT/deployment/$RULE_NAME.dop > files/$RULE_NAME_changed.dop
- #cat files/$RULE_NAME_changed.dop
- mv files/$RULE_NAME_changed.dop $DMO_PROJECT/deployment/$RULE_NAME.dop
- # Rule artifacts creation --------------------------
- ads-xslt -f commands.xslt -o files/makeartifacts files/input.xml
- . files/makeartifacts
- # add the rules to the initialization/ruleset elements
- ads --select '/list decisionresource/items' list $DMO_PROJECT decisionresource |
- while IFS= read -r FILE
- do
- FILE=$(ads-trim "$FILE")
- test "$FILE" = $DMO && continue
- if [ "$(basename "$FILE")" != default-rule.drl ]; then
- ads-dmo-add-rule -p $DMO_PROJECT -m $DMO -r "$FILE"
- else
- ads-dmo-add-rule -d -p $DMO_PROJECT -m $DMO -r "$FILE"
- fi
- done
- # Build / run
- ads make decisionservice -g $PACKAGE $RULE_NAME
- (
- mvn clean install
- )
- # Generate test input data for rule
- ads run $RULE_NAME operation --inputSample --output files/input.json
- # Use sed to set data data values in input.json to null
- sed -E 's/"<.*>"/null/g' files/input.json > files/changed.json
- mv files/changed.json files/input.json
- # Test the rule operation with the generated input data
- ads run $RULE_NAME operation --input files/input.json --output files/output.json
- 'if grep -qF ''"compliance_status" : false'' files/output.json &&'
- 'grep -qF ''"eligible_for_inspection" : true'' files/output.json'
- then
- echo "Execution success"
- else
- echo "Execution failure"
- exit 1
- fi
groupId: $PACKAGE
file: files/model.json
locales: en_US
output: $BOM_PROJECT
groupId: $PACKAGE
skipContent: true
output: $DMO_PROJECT
extension: dmo
name: $RULE_NAME
output: $DMO_PROJECT/rules
- emptyDmo.xml
This file is based (and the overall generation approach) is based on the ImportDSL
sample provided as part of the ADS CLI. Apart from parameterising the file the main addition was.
- # Use sed to set data data values in input.json to null
- sed -E 's/"<.*>"/null/g' files/input.json > files/changed.json
- mv files/changed.json files/input.json
By default the commands generate a sample input file for testing the generated rules. In the case of the payloads that my rules require specific data or null
so I set all the data to null
The generated rules are copied to the git repository director (again via subprocess
) and finally the
shell script is run via subprocess
to push the newly generated rules to git.
cd git_repo
git add .
git commit -m "Rules Automation"
git push
With the execution flow described lets look at how I build the container image. The Dockerfile
to build the image is (I’ve blanked out sensitive data):
FROM python:latest
ENV GIT_USER="*****"
ENV GIT_PROJECT="ads-******.git"
ENV GIT_HOST="gitea-cp4ba-collateral.******"
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jdk git maven vim
RUN mkdir /opt/maven
RUN mkdir /opt/maven/repo
COPY maven-settings.xml /usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml
RUN pip3 install --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host fastapi requests "uvicorn[standard]" typing_extensions typing python-dotenv openshift-client
ADD libs ./libs
ADD RulesGenerator ./RulesGenerator
RUN chmod -R a+rwx ./ && \
chown -R 1001200000:0 ./
USER 1001200000
RUN unzip ./libs/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}.zip
ENV PATH="$PATH:/opt/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/bin"
# Install Maven Plugin
RUN mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/opt/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/maven/build-maven-plugin-${CP4BA_VERSION}.jar -DpomFile=/opt/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/maven/build-maven-plugin-pom.xml
RUN mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/opt/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/lib/foundation-${CP4BA_VERSION}.jar -DpomFile=/opt/ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/maven/foundation-pom.xml
RUN ls /opt/libs
RUN mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=engine-compact-runtime -Dversion=${RUNTIME_VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=./libs/engine-compact-runtime-${RUNTIME_VERSION}.jar
RUN mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=engine-de-api -Dversion=${API_VERSION} -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=./libs/engine-de-api-${API_VERSION}.jar
# Dry run Rules build of sample to prime Maven
RUN cd ads-cli-${CP4BA_VERSION}/samples/ImportDSL && ads batch commands.yaml dsl.json && ads batch commands.yaml -c && cd -
Breaking this down into its core steps…
- Install the Java, git and Maven
- Set up Maven repository and update the settings to use this repository
- Install the necessary Python modules
- Copy / add the shell scripts, ADS CLI libraries and the RulesGenerator files (the
from above along with other supporting files from theImportDSL
sample) and set file permissions - Extract and install the ADS CLI
- Install the necessary plugins into Maven to support ADS CLI
- Add the Python code
- Run the
sample to “prime” Maven
To build the image and push to OpenShift I use the following steps
- Define the target
name to use when deploying to OpenShift usingexport PROJECT=<project name>
- If the project exists execute
oc project $PROJECT
otherwise create it withoc new-project $PROJECT
(NB: you need to beoc
logged into the target cluster) - Define the external name for the the internal OpenShift registry using
export REGISTRY=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry -o json | jq | sed 's/"//g')
- Define the target image name for the automation service build using
export JOBIMAGE=$REGISTRY/$PROJECT/automation-job
. - Define the version you want to associate with the image using
export JOBVERSION=<version number>
. The deployment process is defined assuming a version ofv1
is used. - Run
podman build --build-arg-file build-args.conf --arch=amd64 -t $JOBIMAGE:$JOBVERSION -f Dockerfile-job
(NB: if you are not using a M1 or M2 Mac then the --arch flag can be removed) . - Make sure
is logged into the cluster. To do this enterpodman login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t) $REGISTRY
- Push the image using
Automation Service
The Automation service uses FastAPI
to present a REST GET endpoint (/deploy
) to trigger the generation of rules for a specified "triage". Within the content creator tool triage's are assigned an "id" and this is passed to the REST endpoint via the "id" query parameter e.g. /deploy?id=1
The endpoint is secured via a secret token which is provided in the X-CILENT-SECRET
in the HTTP Reqest header. Once an "id" has been recieved a Job
is created to run the generation process for the specified traige and the jobID
for the Job
is returned.
Three further REST endpoints are provided to retreive information about the build jobs (again these are all secured with the X-CILENT-SECRET
GET /jobs
: retuns details of theJobs
that are maintained in OpenShift project (NB: It is possible to remove completed and failedJobs
via the OpenShift Console or CLI)GET /job/{jobID}
: returns details of the job with the specifiedjobID
GET /job/{jobID}/status
: returns status details of theJob
with the specifiedjobID
Lets dive into this in more detail…
To control the exection of the of the Job
I use the openshift_client
Python library. This requires the Openshift CLI to be installed in the underlying container image and I’ll cover my approach to this later in this post.
The following code shows how a Job
is created.
def read_item(header: Annotated[CommonHeaders, Header()] = None, id: Union[str, None] = None):
if header.x_client_secret != X_CLIENT_SECRET:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Wrong client secret")
resp = requests.get(url=CONTENT_CREATOR_URL+"/api/generate-business-rules?id="+id, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'})
if resp.status_code != 200:
return {f"Error: Issue requesting triage. Status Code {resp.status_code}"}
data = resp.json()
if "error" in data:
if data['error']:
return {f"Error: Request triage id {id} was not found."}
job_timestamp = str(time.time())
with oc.project(OCP_PROJECT), oc.timeout(10 * 60):
job = {
"apiVersion": "batch/v1",
"kind": "Job",
"metadata": {
"name": "build-rules-"+job_timestamp,
"spec": {
"parallelism": 1,
"completions": 1,
"activeDeadlineSeconds": 1800,
"backoffLimit": 6,
"template": {
"metadata": {
"name": "build-rules"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "rules-builder",
"image": f"image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/{OCP_PROJECT}/automation-job:{OCP_JOB_VERSION}",
"command": [
"envFrom": [
"configMapRef": {
"name": "automation-env"
"resources": {
"limits": {
"cpu": "1",
"memory": "6Gi"
"requests": {
"cpu": "500m",
"memory": "4Gi"
"terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
"terminationMessagePolicy": "File",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
"restartPolicy": "Never",
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"securityContext": {},
"schedulerName": "default-scheduler"
"completionMode": "NonIndexed",
"suspend": False
job_obj = oc.APIObject(string_to_model=json.dumps(job))
return { "jobID": f"build-rules-{job_timestamp}" }
The format of the JSON to describe the Job
is documented in the OpenShift documentation so I’ll not go into detail here. The key points to note in the above are:
- A unique
name is generated based on the current time - The OpenShift project to use is defined via a configuration variable set via the environment
- The container image to use for the
is pulled from the local registry and the version is provided via a configuration variable set via the environment - An
is created from theJob
specification JSON (NB: this needs to be in string format and hence thejson.dumps
- The
set the context to the specified project and under this thecreate
verb is used tocreate
from theAPIObject
The other REST endpoints are provided via the following code.
def read_item(header: Annotated[CommonHeaders, Header()] = None,):
if header.x_client_secret != X_CLIENT_SECRET:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Wrong client secret")
return get_jobs()
def read_item(header: Annotated[CommonHeaders, Header()] = None, jobID: Union[str, None] = None):
if header.x_client_secret != X_CLIENT_SECRET:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Wrong client secret")
jobs = get_jobs()
for job in jobs:
job_json = json.loads(job.as_json())
job_name = job_json['metadata']['labels']['job-name']
if job_name == jobID:
return job_json
return {'error':'not found'}
def read_item(header: Annotated[CommonHeaders, Header()] = None, jobID: Union[str, None] = None):
if header.x_client_secret != X_CLIENT_SECRET:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Wrong client secret")
jobs = get_jobs()
for job in jobs:
job_json = json.loads(job.as_json())
job_name = job_json['metadata']['labels']['job-name']
if job_name == jobID:
return {'status' : job_json['status'] }
return {'error':'not found'}
def get_jobs():
with oc.project(OCP_PROJECT), oc.timeout(10 * 60):
return oc.selector("job").objects()
The three endpoints use the get_jobs
function to retrieve details of all the job
‘s that have run / are running within the specified OpenShift project. Each endpoint then uses this information as needed.
Shifting focus lets now look at how I build the container image. The following is the Dockerfile
FROM python:latest
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y
# Install oc CLI
COPY oc.tar .
RUN tar xf oc.tar
RUN mv oc /usr/local/bin
RUN oc
RUN pip3 install --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host fastapi requests "uvicorn[standard]" typing_extensions typing python-dotenv openshift-client
RUN chmod -R a+rwx ./ && \
chown -R 1001200000:0 ./
USER 1001200000
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8080"]
This is pretty standard but as described above I use a “pre-processing” script to pull down the oc.tar
. To build the image and push to OpenShift I use the following steps
- Define the target
name to use when deploying to OpenShift usingexport PROJECT=<project name>
. - If the project exists execute
oc project $PROJECT
otherwise create it withoc new-project $PROJECT
(NB: you need to beoc
logged into the target cluster) - Define the external name for the the internal OpenShift registry using
export REGISTRY=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry -o json | jq | sed 's/"//g')
- Define the target image name for the automation service build using
export IMAGE=$REGISTRY/$PROJECT/automation
. - Define the version you want to associate with the image using
export VERSION=<version number>
. The deployment process is defined assuming a version ofv1
is used. - Run
podman build --build-arg-file build-args.conf --arch=amd64 -t $IMAGE:$VERSION -f Dockerfile
(NB: if you are not using a M1 or M2 Mac then the --arch flag can be removed) . - Make sure
is logged into the cluster. To do this enterpodman login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t) $REGISTRY
- Push the image using
podman push $IMAGE:$VERSION
For the container to be able to create Jobs
in OpenShift the default
must be given the right permission. To do this I first create a Role
to allow management of Jobs
kind: Role
name: read-write-jobs
namespace: rules-automation
- verbs:
- get
- list
- watch
- create
- update
- patch
- delete
- batch
- extensions
- jobs
Next I created a RoleBinding
to bind this new Role
to the ServiceAccount
kind: RoleBinding
name: rules-job-access
namespace: rules-automation
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
namespace: rules-automation
kind: Role
name: read-write-jobs
Example Run
So with it all deployed what does it look like? Lets start with initiating a generate Job
using /deploy?id=
This returns the jobID
for the started Job
. We can get a list of all the jobs in the OpenShift project using /jobs
The /job/<jobID>
can be used to get details on the started Job
can be used to get details on the execution status of the started Job
When the job
has complete the /job/<jobID>/status
will show something like the following.
Using the ADS CLI is relatively straightforward and the samples which are provided help demonstrate how to use the tool. In my case I used it in batch
mode but there are more ways it can be used. By wrapping the ADS CLI into a container and using Jobs
within OpenShift I have been able to create a simple pipeline. There is room for improvement but as a starting point I am pretty happy.